The Human-Centered Intelligent Systems (HCIS) lab directed by Dr. JuHyeong Ryu focuses on interdisciplinary research efforts in human motion sensing, artificial intelligence, biomechanical analysis, and automated work systems research for improved human and systems performance. HCIS aims to maximize real-life human performance by minimizing the level of human efforts by leveraging emerging sensing technologies and advanced analytical methods including wearable sensors, AI, IoT, robotics, and mixed reality.


Recent News

  • Mar. 2024: Prof. Ryu presented “Empowering a Collaborative Workforce: Toward Expert Skill-based Training” at the Applied Ergonomics Conference 2024, Louisville, KY.

  • Feb 2024: Journal paper by McFarland, T., Ryu, J., Haas, C., and Abdel-Rahman, E. titled “Crafting Safe and Efficient Masonry Practices: Quantitative Assessment of Postural Characteristics in Movement Strategies” published in the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE. [Read]